Question: My goal is to work with businesses who will use my courses to train their staff. Is there a membership option for this type of set up? For example lets say I own the company and have 5 employees. I want each employee to take a series of three courses, but of course not pay for them. How can I do this or is it possible?
Yes, absolutely possible. They just need to sign up for the school (free) and you provide them with links to the courses (with a zero price point).
If you leave them as "unpublished courses" (not unpublished lessons) they won't display on the public facing side of the website, which can alleviate that worry of "what if people who aren't my employees sign up by mistake".
Loralee Hutton
The Portable Biz Club has a new home on a platform that makes the best use of an extra 15-30 minutes in your week. And, it's completely free...